Mon. November 11, 2024
Ordering Shelf-Ready Titles Using TitlewaveNow you've made the genre decision you need to get your specifications set up. This will allow you to assign genres as you make your purchase decisions on Follett Titlewave®, and then Follett Content will know how to process your books so they arrive shelf ready. Before contacting Follett Content Genre Services, please be ready with the following information:
Which genres does your school recognize? Supply the list of genres to be added to your Titlewave account.How do you want each of your genres to appear in the call number? Ex: Fantasy appears as FANT. Should they be used as the call number’s prefix, suffix, classification or not at all? The most common usage is as the call number’s prefix.Do you want the genre portion of the call number printed on the spine labels? Will you be using genre labels such as Demco or color-coded protectors? If so, please let us know the label number and/or color.Do you want the genre to appear in the local holdings in your MARC record? As either part of the call number or as the Follett Destiny® sub location (852_b) or both?Are you using the 655 (Index term – genre/form) for genre? Keep in mind that the 655 is a bibliographic-level field, and it will be shared among all catalog users. Are you using a specific authority for your genres (655_2)?How do the shelves flow in your library? Tell us your preferred sequence.
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